Areas within The Darkening Sun

Area Name-=========================-Credits-========- Recommend Level Range -==
You are currently in an unknown area.
Darkening Sun Newbie School         Asmodeous Myrienne A [  1-  5]   
The Atrium                          Ganieda              [  1-  5]   
Dzagari Courier Service             Reave                [  1-  6]   
Mekali Park                         Reave                [  1-  6]   
Troglodyte Burrows (OLC)            Ixyltryxl            [  1- 10]   
The Salt Mines (OLC)                Ixyltryxl            [  1- 10]   
The Wide Plains                     Lidaros              [  1- 10]   
The Bandit's Ambush                 Asmodeous            [  1- 15]   
Deer Creek Park                     Kylara               [  1- 15]   
Goblin Warrens                      Reave Daos           [  1- 15]   
Circle of Withering Trees           Judas                [  1- 15]   
Abandoned Zoo                       Lidaros              [  1- 15]   
The Lizardman Caves                 Asmodeous            [  1- 20]   
The Floating Island                 Gunthar Mcduff       [  1- 20]   
Kobold Caverns                      Lidaros Azhure Keste [  1- 25]   
The Kyldaran Sewers                 Asmodeous            [  1- 30]   
The Dark Forest                     Incendium Rokaz      [  1- 30]   
The Insect Hive                     Arminius Gorzak      [  1- 40]   
Red-Root Swamp                      Malaana Asmodeous    [  1- 40]   
Crimson Wastelands                  Ixyltryxl            [  1- 65]   
Tippler's Inn                       Ixyltryxl            [  1- 91]   
Craghorn Village                    Ixyltrxl             [  1- 91]   
Farmland                            Ixyltryxl            [  1- 91]   
The Zephyrus Road                   Ixyltryxl            [  1- 91]   
Ruined Camp                         Aida                 [  1- 91]   
Saq'tonin Cave                      Rakath               [  1- 91]   
Rising Moon Keep                    Ryvais Nehkaras Gani [  1- 91]   
The Twisted City                    Kyron                [  1- 91]   
Keratch                             Asmodeous            [  1- 91]   
Earthen Sanctuary                   Veremus              [  1- 91]   
The Halls of the Divine             Gunthar              [  1- 91]   
Mekali Training Camp                Khan Daos Meerclar   [  5- 15]   
The Kobold Pits                     Asmodeous            [  5- 15]   
Beehive                             Ceide                [  5- 30]   
The Underwater Passage              Gunthar McDuff       [  5- 70]   
Misty Bog                           Ixyltryxl            [  5- 91]   
Eventide Savannah (OLC)             Ixyltryxl            [ 10- 20]   
The Wolven Kennels                  Ralon Wangora        [ 10- 20]   
Grove of Tranquility                Ixyltryxl Krivlarik  [ 10- 20]   
Black Legion Hunting Camp           Ixyltryxl            [ 10- 25]   
The Tomb of Dreams                  Scaleb Ile Lidaros   [ 10- 30]   
Bandit Hideaway                     Drazhad Reave        [ 10- 30]   
The Keep of Ethemos                 Yaegar Reave Daos    [ 10- 35]   
Dzagari Sewers                      Arminius Vladomir    [ 10- 35]   
Gremlin Caverns                     Ixyltryxl            [ 10- 35]   
The Goblin Village                  Iktaru               [ 10- 40]   
The Fishing Village                 Anita Daos Sarelith  [ 10- 45]   
Dire Swamp                          Eidolon Alric        [ 10- 50]   
The Orcish Fortress                 Reave Xelton         [ 10- 65]   
Deep Gnome Village                  Zei Iktaru           [ 10- 91]   
Darkhate Castle                     Yohan                [ 10- 91]   
Training Fields                     Drazhad Khan         [ 13- 19]   
Falls of Antiquity                  Ixyltryxl Rakath     [ 15- 20]   
Savage Highlands                    Ixyltryxl            [ 15- 25]   
Frost Drow Caverns                  Ralon                [ 15- 35]   
Vl'arecht Keep                      Drupus               [ 15- 45]   
Dwarven Barracks                    Incendium            [ 15- 45]   
The Cult of Minaevos                Iktaru               [ 15- 50]   
Temple of Alvay                     Krivlarik            [ 15- 70]   
The Stomping Grounds                Ixyltryxl            [ 20- 30]   
Lake of the Dead (OLC)              Ixyltryxl            [ 20- 35]   
Haunted Orphange                    Eyterix              [ 20- 35]   
Trog Caves                          Magean               [ 20- 40]   
The Trollish Underground            Judas                [ 20- 40]   
The Arachnid Caves                  Iktaru Xolrath       [ 20- 45]   
Southern Cross                      Kylara               [ 20- 60]   
Ogre Fortress                       Grung                [ 20- 65]   
Wicked Farm                         Ralon                [ 20- 70]   
The Cliffs of Niermacht             Doksven Cassius Gily [ 20- 85]   
The Tombs of Az'lorn                Ralon Wangora        [ 21- 80]   
Black Legion Quarry (OLC)           Ixyltryxl            [ 25- 35]   
Cinder Foothills (OLC)              Ixyltryxl            [ 25- 35]   
Eidolon Woodlands (OLC)             Ixyltryxl            [ 25- 35]   
The Run Down Mansion                Lupis                [ 25- 40]   
Closed Fist Hideout                 Ixyltryxl            [ 25- 45]   
Orcish Tribal Village               Muktar               [ 25- 50]   
The Order of the Severed Hand       Asmodeous            [ 25- 50]   
The School of Fighting              Gunthar              [ 25- 60]   
Raspberry Patch                     Gilyan               [ 25- 65]   
Zagler's Fort                       Gunthar              [ 25- 81]   
The Underdark                       Asmodeous Fynrierre  [ 25- 91]   
Fallow Pyro Shafts (OLC)            Ixyltryxl            [ 30- 40]   
Moldered Quagmire                   Ixyltryxl            [ 30- 40]   
Night Castle                        Kalari Drazhad       [ 30- 50]   
The Elysium                         Tzera                [ 30- 50]   
The Whitestone Temple               Xolrath Daelnor      [ 30- 60]   
Haunted Lighthouse                  Asmodeous Reave      [ 30- 60]   
Well of Forgotten Wishes            Daos Krivlarik Habis [ 30- 70]   
The Caves of the Sha'um             Echelon              [ 30- 70]   
The Orcish Warband                  Daelnor              [ 30- 70]   
The Shattered Catacombs             Korduk               [ 30- 70]   
Cursed Jungle                       Doksven Shalia Cassi [ 30- 70]   
The Thieves' Guild                  Gunthar              [ 30- 85]   
Minotaur Encampment                 Ralon                [ 31- 61]   
Fyreforge Mines (OLC)               Ixyltryxl            [ 35- 45]   
Blighted Harbor (OLC)               Ixyltryxl            [ 35- 45]   
The Knights Stronghold              Gerishka Serance     [ 35- 50]   
Beacon Tor                          Ixyltryxl            [ 35- 55]   
Sparring Camp                       Krivlarik            [ 35- 65]   
The Coliseum                        Gunthar              [ 35- 85]   
Veiled Underground (OLC)            Ixyltryxl            [ 40- 45]   
Fyreforge Manor (OLC)               Ixyltryxl            [ 40- 50]   
Cursed Graveyard                    Lidaros              [ 40- 50]   
The Towers of Eshennet              Persephone           [ 40- 60]   
Minotaur Labyrinth                  Eowarewyn Thorm      [ 40- 80]   
The Black Spire                     Ferrengiz Cassius    [ 40- 80]   
The Braan'vrak Fortress             Daelnor              [ 40- 80]   
Mirthwillow Laboratory              Itlan                [ 40- 90]   
Temple of the Ancients              Ralon Wangora        [ 40- 91]   
The Sorcerer's Tower                Ralon                [ 41- 71]   
The Gnome Fortress                  Ralon Wangora        [ 41- 71]   
Mushroom Kingdom (OLC)              Ixyltryxl            [ 45- 55]   
Troll Bridge (OLC)                  Reave                [ 45- 65]   
The Cult of Hafran                  Asmodeous Braem      [ 45- 75]   
The Haunted Gallery                 Daos                 [ 45- 80]   
Dwarven Caverns of Yelra            Krivlarik            [ 45- 85]   
Steam Vents (OLC)                   Ixyltryxl            [ 50- 60]   
Rel Menacer                         Hermia               [ 50- 70]   
Ankheg Mines                        Ixyltryxl            [ 50- 70]   
Tower of Darkness                   Iktaru Xolrath       [ 50- 75]   
Defiled Temple                      kalari               [ 50- 80]   
The Tribal Circle                   Grung Xolrath        [ 50- 80]   
The Spiritual Fire of Lemuel        Linaekos Veremus     [ 50- 91]   
Ghostly Monastery                   Reave Daos Myrienne  [ 50- 91]   
The Hollow (OLC)                    Ixyltryxl            [ 55- 65]   
The Heart of the World (OLC)        Ixyltryxl            [ 55- 65]   
Hunting Camp                        Bola                 [ 55- 70]   
Templar's Tower                     Iktaru               [ 55- 91]   
The Smoking Pyre                    Iktaru Kylara        [ 55- 91]   
Robber's Den                        Ile Drazhad          [ 55- 91]   
The Infernal Foundry (OLC)          Ixyltryxl            [ 60- 70]   
The Undead Village                  Rokaz Bola           [ 60- 75]   
The Temple of the Serpent           Asmodeous            [ 60- 80]   
Forest of Illusion                  Daos Nessa Kylara    [ 60- 80]   
Sorrows Cavern                      Ordyn Lunua Divada C [ 60- 80]   
Gnoll Encampment                    Ixyltryxl            [ 60- 80]   
Kurzak's Dungeon                    Bola Rokaz           [ 60- 80]   
Ice Maze                            Iktaru               [ 60- 91]   
Azrachkazarem II (OLC)              Ixyltryxl            [ 65- 75]   
Azrachkazarem (OLC)                 Ixyltryxl            [ 65- 75]   
Widowmaker area - Giant Spider (OLC)Ixyltryxl            [ 65- 75]   
Baneblade Fortress (OLC)            Ixyltryxl            [ 65- 80]   
Tur'lypizhaul's Path                Daos Uithreil Merv   [ 65- 91]   
City of Zyraktor                    Daos Malaana Dekard  [ 65- 91]   
The Mid-High Orcs                   Iktaru Myrienne      [ 70- 85]   
Maze Of Madness                     Shenegarr            [ 70- 91]   
Hall of Warriors                    Krivlarik            [ 70- 91]   
Forest Of Shadows                   Ixyltryxl            [ 70- 91]   
Drokar Castle                       Xolrath              [ 70- 91]   
The Giant's Range                   Gerishka             [ 75- 91]   
Fire Giant Castle                   Asmodeous Ralen      [ 75- 91]   
Cave of Dragons                     Ceide Cache          [ 75- 91]   
Tomb of Unsung Heroes               Asmodeous            [ 80- 91]   
Silent Night                        Daos Nehkaras        [ 80- 91]   
Beyond the Mind                     Daos                 [ 80- 91]   
The Kennels                         Dekard Tibault       [ 80- 91]   
Desert of Everlasting Darkness      Daos Ganieda         [ 80- 91]   
Tower of Feins                      Veremus Travalisk    [ 85- 91]   
The Hells of Tarteryl               Asmodeous Cigol Ness [ 85- 91]   
The Drow House of Al'Azrith         Asmodeous            [ 85- 91]   
U'lok Wastelands                    Daos Ordyn Kyron     [ 85- 91]   
Stream of Lost Souls                Krivlarik Daos       [ 85- 91]   
The Shrine of Heroes                Daos Nehkaras Ixyltr [ 85- 91]   
The Pool of Sorrows                 Daos                 [ 85- 91]   
Ixy - Reserved Vnums Future Ar (OLC)Ixyltryxl            [  0-  0]   
Desolate Wastelands (OLC)           Ixyltryxl            [  0-  0]   
Temple of the Fallen Gods (OLC)     Ixyltryxl            [  0-  0]   
Dragon Graveyard (OLC)              Ixyltryxl            [  0-  0]   
Nether Abyss (OLC)                  Ixyltryxl            [  0-  0]   
Osseus Lake (OLC)                   Ixyltryxl            [  0-  0]   
Blood Ravager War Camp (OLC)        Ixyltryxl            [  0-  0]   
Pulchra Vale (OLC)                  Ixyltryxl            [  0-  0]   
Temple of Ixyltryxl (OLC)           Ixyltryxl            [  0-  0]   
Tantibus (OLC)                      Ixyltryxl            [  0-  0]   
Shadowy Depths (OLC)                Ixyltryxl            back]